Does your IQ score measure up?

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10 most asked questions about IQ Tests

Whether you're the brightest bulb in the bunch or the dimmest candle on the cake, Intelligence is essentially your mental fitness, no more no less. You can develop it within a relatively short time and even increase it a bit. Intelligence quotient (IQ) is the scientific measure of your intelligence, and our IQ scores can tell us a lot about who we are, what we're good at, and how we can use the knowledge to our advantage.

Why is knowing your IQ important?

Well, if you know how intelligent you are, it will be easier for you and others to assess your mental capacity. Knowing your IQ can also bring increased self-confidence. And it has been proven that intelligent people are more attractive to their peers. Don't you want to know more about your cognitive ability? Where do you lie on the intelligence scale?

Scrabble pieces that spell - Train your brain

You have come to the right place if:

- You want to boost your mental fitness and increase your general intelligence
- You want to know where your mental strengths and weaknesses lie
- You want to know and assess yourself better
- You are looking for information about intelligence
- You are looking for a pastime with long-term rewards

As you take this test, you will learn what questions you can expect to encounter on a classic intelligence test. Take your time. it is more important to understand the questions and tasks than to quickly find the answers. Have fun with the questions!

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Start here the most detailed free IQ test on the internet

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Intelligence and how it is measured

Before you jump into tests, you probably have a couple of questions about the intelligence quotient. Or ten? We have compiled the most asked questions and answers about IQ scores and their meaning right here, so you don't have to wonder any longer!

1. What is intelligence?

Defining intelligence is not that simple, because of its different forms and how they are demonstrated in real life. But for our purposes, intelligence can be described as the skills you need to handle the daily requirements and challenges everyone faces. This might sound simple, but in fact, a lot is hidden behind this.

According to Webster’s Dictionary, "Intelligence is the capacity to perceive and comprehend meaning, information, and news."

But recently, a new, more complex, and extensive concept of intelligence has been developed. The definition: "Intelligence is the ability to solve complex problems in changing circumstances."

This fits a 1921 study, published by the Cambridge University Press in 2007, in which the meaning of intelligence is divided into two parts:

1. the ability to learn from experience and
2. the ability to adapt to the surrounding environment.

Human intelligence is far from a simple concept because for most species survival is on the top of the list. For us, that hasn't been the case for a long time now. Remnants of it are still visible in how we behave in stressful situations and how we handle conflict, but we have evolved past the basic needs. Our mind has expanded exponentially and that highly depends on our memory system. Information processing and the speed at which we adapt to new circumstances have greatly increased our cognitive abilities. Over the centuries, our IQs have increased due to several other factors as well.

Nowadays we enjoy having access to better nutrition, a better education, and all the knowledge of the world is only a Google search away. We are constantly learning and experiencing something new, which also helps us to think more abstractly. We compare, and that is reflected in the score when we take standardized tests. This tendency, that our scores are ever-increasing, was first noticed by moral philosopher James Flynn, and is therefore called the Flynn Effect.

Intelligence has evolved from What is to What if. Not only have we developed science to further our understanding of the world, but we have invented Academia to share our findings and compare them with those of others to create a general consensus. By constantly testing ourselves, we have become a society of people who rate themselves by giving points on a scale, and have our children learn everything our ancestors have taken centuries to uncover, so we can all be on the same level of knowledge in our adult lives.

That is why IQ tests can in fact give us an average score of human intelligence and still be accurate.

Intelligence has evolved from What is to What if.

2. What is an IQ Test?

The first IQ Test was developed in 1904 and was initially intended to measure the difference between mentally challenged children and those who were of average or high intelligence but inherently lazy. The first of these tests was called the Stanford-Binet intelligence test and was published in 1916. But much like a good pie, we must ask: What's inside?

When we say, "intelligence," we are not just talking about one thing, of course. Humans possess many separate types of intelligence. Differing ideas of what intelligence actually is have led to the development of different scientific models, resulting in many different versions of intelligence tests. These include ones for word, numerical and logical comprehension; spatial orientation; word fluency; cognitive performance; memory; and speed of perception.

A distinction is also often made between fluid intelligence (the innate intelligence a person is born with) and crystalline intelligence (the accumulation of knowledge, facts, and skills one acquires throughout life).

Most high-quality intelligence tests combine and compare several or all these measurements to arrive at a well-rounded picture. In short: IQ tests measure cognitive ability. But the short answer is rarely sufficient.

You can have emotional intelligence but maybe lack problem-solving skills. Just like some of us are bad at maths but excel at learning languages. Which of these determine our score? You will find it is not black and white at all.

Different scientific models for IQ Tests include ones for word, numerical and logical comprehension; spatial orientation; word fluency; cognitive performance; memory; and speed of perception.

3. What is a "normal" IQ?

Scientifically put, IQ indicates the place within a Gaussian normal distribution (i.e., the bell curve of the density function) where the test-taker falls within his or her own age group. Worldwide, most people’s IQs are about 100. This is considered a "normal" or "average" IQ.

The value of 100 has been chosen purely arbitrarily; one could just as well have chosen 50 or 311 for the average IQ score.

After choosing the average value of 100, you can look at subgroups or people whose IQs fall above or below the average.

Gauss bell curve

Looking at many IQ Tests, you can see that IQ values in the general population are distributed approximately - as shown above in the Gaussian bell curve.

The curve also shows that the (arbitrarily chosen) IQ score of 100 effectively divides people into two groups: those with IQ scores equal to or less than 100 and those with IQ scores greater than 100.

You can also see from the curve that 68.2% of people have an IQ between 85 and 115. Only 0.2% of test-takers have an extremely low IQ (an IQ lower than 55), and only 0.2% have extremely high intelligence (an IQ higher than 145).

This means that, statistically, your IQ has a very low chance of being abnormal - but it is not impossible.

Keep in mind that education, age, and how you feel on a particular day, etc., can affect your score, but not to the extent where it is completely different.

4. What IQ is normal for what age?

Many parents wonder, "Is my child intelligent?" The French psychologist Alfred Binet (1857-1911) addressed this question in his research.

First, Binet determined what could widely be considered "normal" mental abilities for students of different ages. He used this information to formulate the concept of intelligence age ("mental age"). This is the mental ability of a normal child of average ability at a given age.

Binet determined that a normal child’s IQ remains constant at 100, regardless of age. Just like adults, highly gifted children and adolescents have IQs above 130.

The formula Binet developed to calculate the IQ of a child/adolescent is:

IQ = age of intelligence/age x 100

Here are two simple examples of this formula:

If a 10-year-old girl has the mental capacity of an 11-year-old girl, she has an IQ of 110 (11/10 x 100).
If a 9-year-old boy has the mental capacity of an 11-year-old girl, his IQ is 122 (11/9 x 100).

Binet’s formula was based on his observation that intelligence increases along with adolescent age up to a certain point, peaking at age 26. After that, the IQ value slowly decreases (see graph):

Progression of IQ with increasing age

The above formula cannot be used to calculate adult intelligence. Also, the sex of the child or adolescent is irrelevant.

If you are worried that your child might lack skills in certain areas that could affect its IQ score, you can help with the development of its cognitive abilities, problem-solving skills, information processing, and overall general intelligence by presenting them with challenges and educational games that train the mind in more than maths and languages. At a young age, the human brain functions like a sponge. It soaks up everything. Children who score higher than their peers, usually have been subjected to education that goes beyond going to school and listening. Make their mind work in playful ways. An active child is a happier, healthier, and smarter child.

5. How good is an IQ of 120?

Gauss bell curve

Looking at many IQ Tests, you can see that IQ values in the general population are distributed approximately - as shown above in the Gaussian bell curve.

Let us turn around the equation from before: The curve shows that 68.2% of adults have an IQ between 85 and 115. We know that. But it means that only 15.9% of the population have an IQ higher than 115 – i.e., a “high IQ.” So, an IQ of 120 is considered above average.

An IQ of 130 places a person in the highly gifted group.

According to James Flynn, a century ago, the average intelligence quotient was 70. The moral philosopher asked the audience in a TED Talk in 2013, whether our grandfathers and -mothers were mentally challenged. Because in comparison, our average IQ (if the scale hadn't been adjusted) would nowadays be 130. Are we now on the verge of being gifted as the Gaussian bell curve would suggest?

The answer is no. We may be smarter now than we were back then. But that is due to the tools we are working with. Both figuratively and literally. That is why the IQ Tests have to be adjusted and our progress tracked to ensure accurate scores.

If you score a 130 today, you are most likely still smarter or equally as smart as someone who achieved the same score a hundred years ago.

6. What does an IQ of 70 mean?

Gauss bell curve

Now, does the previously accumulated evidence suggest that a score of 70 is bad?

As seen above, only 15.9% of the test takers have IQs lower than 85. So, an IQ of 70 would be considered below average. This result mirrors the percentage of people with an above average IQ.

With an IQ score of 70, you are most certainly not an Einstein. But what does that mean? That you must give up on your dreams? Absolutely not. Figuring out your own achievement potential is much more useful than a number determining what you can or cannot do. But knowing your score allows you to optimize your learning process. Everyone has strengths in certain areas, and knowing yours can lift you higher than a person of above-average intelligence who does not know how to use it.

A low IQ score by today's educational standards may be below average, but can definitely be approved upon, depending on your development and further education.

7. Are intelligence tests useful?

The answer to this question is, "It depends."

The crucial question to ask yourself here is what you want your IQ score to tell you. It will NOT answer the question, "How successful will I be in life?" There are countless examples of people with high IQs who do not have "successful" lives.

Many other factors, including emotional intelligence, strongly impact one’s development. A high IQ without advancement, without background knowledge, and diligence, is worthless.

For example, on the job, a high IQ is useless if a person (among other factors) does not receive significant promotions, have a strong background knowledge of the subject matter of his or her work, or work reasonably hard. Their colleague with a lower IQ, who puts in the effort, will be more successful.

But if you ask specific questions - like how high are my word, numerical and/or logical comprehension, spatial orientation, word fluency, cognitive performance, memory and/or speed of perception - an IQ Test lets you compare yourself to people who have taken the same test. You can use it as a tool to show you which field or fields you should choose to deepen and focus on to increase your chances of long-term success. Find your niche.

8. Can online IQ Tests be trusted?

The simple answer to this question is: "No".

A serious (online) IQ Test will be scientifically calibrated. The entire calculation basis will be publicly available and the test itself will have been peer-reviewed. The test will also be constantly kept up to date. Many intelligence tests on the internet claim to meet these criteria, but most rarely meet all - or even any - of them. This includes paid tests!

The second issue with most IQ Tests deals with which path you choose to solve a problem. IQ Tests that simply calculate an IQ value based on choosing correct answers can never determine pure or "true" IQ. Only an IQ Test formulated with the input of a trained psychologist, who considers how you arrive at an answer and incorporates this information into the results, can honestly claim to meet the highest standards.

So, should you not take IQ Tests on the internet? Yes, of course you should! Online IQ Tests do have value. They can help you understand how such tests are structured. They can point out which tasks cause you difficulty and which do not. They can help you recognize your strengths and weaknesses. But they do not have much value as far as measuring pure IQ goes.

Which IQ Test is reputable?

As said above: a serious online IQ Test is scientifically calibrated. The entire calculation basis is publicly available, and the test itself has been peer-reviewed and is constantly kept up to date.

However, most online IQ Tests do NOT meet these criteria. So, if you see (for one example) a test that claims it is "the shortest IQ Test in the world," be skeptical. A quality IQ Test must contain a minimum number of questions to cover all topics and IQ values.

9. How meaningful is an IQ Test in real life?

Even standardized tests that produce a pure IQ value, in our opinion, are not that significant when it comes to our day-to-day lives. Having a high IQ will not protect you from doing stupid things or ensure that you are more successful than others. However, if you use an IQ Test to determine your word, numerical and logical comprehension, spatial orientation, word fluency, memory and speed of perception, knowing your IQ becomes a lot more valuable.

For example, high intelligence in speed of perception shows you meet a basic qualification for the profession of air traffic controller. A low score in this area means you could not possibly be successful in this career. The more precisely you can define what you want to find out from an IQ Test, the more meaningful knowing your IQ will be.

In conclusion:

Your IQ score does not determine your worth in comparison to others but helps you find your strengths, talents, tendencies, and your capacity to tap your full potential.

10. What was Albert Einstein’s IQ?

We love comparing ourselves to the geniuses of our current and past generations. Einstein is undoubtedly a celebrity in that regard and has become a benchmark for people to measure themselves against. Einstein’s exact IQ is unknown because Einstein never actually took an IQ Test. However, Catharine M. Cox (Genetic Studies of Genius, 1926) estimated his score, as well as the IQs of other notable historical personalities. According to the study, the German-born physicist had an IQ of about 160.

You'll be surprised to learn that Einstein’s IQ is far below the highest ever estimated. According to Cox’s study, the German literary figure Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is the most intelligent personality of all time, with an IQ of 210. Second is the German inventor, philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, with an IQ of 205. (Note that these are estimates and should be disclosed as such.)

This illustrates quite nicely how a physicist is not necessarily smarter than a linguist or literary scholar. Nowadays we compare the big names in science without recognizing that intelligence has many different facets and can manifest in wildly different ways. Maybe you're not a genius in natural science but show outstanding talent in communication and psychology. The beauty of it is that everything is possible.

Now it is time to determine those talents of yours! Test your IQ and unlock your potential. Your score can probably rise if you choose to look out for your health, and strive to improve yourself constantly.

It is entirely up to you. How do you score?

Comments (21)


25 days ago
My IQ is 124, and I am not sure if it means I am smart or average or low
265 days ago
Are you European? I'm Chinese.
448 days ago
@Alice. The test is at the bottom with the orange link.
452 days ago
The test was kinda hard........
452 days ago
i took 4 different iq tests and I got like 50s on all of them...
471 days ago
A Potato Flew Around My Room Before You Came
496 days ago
I'm kinda dumb
511 days ago
ok that was not a test lol I guess I am smart for reading though it though okok
666 days ago
Also, Roni whoever you are, you don't have to list you IQ twice, we get it you r smart, guess what, so are a lot of people.
666 days ago
This is useless is this a personality quiz site or not
689 days ago
Im 12 btw and someone with an iq of roughly 120.83333333... (i used a calculator) is considered to have superior intelligence.
689 days ago
I took an iq test once and apparently, I have the brain capacity of a person 14½, which means i have an iq of approximately 120.8333333...... . But that was just one test (not from this site)
726 days ago
726 days ago
anyways my past name is Saanvi
726 days ago
hey just changed my name cause real names are BORING
726 days ago
JUST LET US KNOW OUR IQ all you do is give information about INTELLIGENCE
726 days ago
Ah you made it here anon? Our collective iq is potato!
We all got baited here like total retards, GGWP
773 days ago
773 days ago
all it does is give you info. let us take the quiz, jeez, it's like when you try to play a game but all it does is give you ads every 30 secs
774 days ago
You and I are on the same bout my friend