FYI FORD - MustangSteve's Ford Mustang Forum
The Internet's Most Knowledgeable Classic Mustang Information
MustangSteve has over 30 years of Mustang experience, having owned 30 of them and restored several others. With the help of other Mustangers, this site is dedicated to helping anyone wanting to restore or modify their Mustang.... THERE ARE NO DUMB QUESTIONS!!!!!
Visit MustangSteve's web site to view some of my work and find details for:
FYIFORD Contributors' PICTURES - Power Brake Retrofit Kits for 65-66 Stangs - Classic Mustang FAQ's by MustangSteve - How to wire in a Duraspark Ignition - Mustang Ride Height Pictures and Descriptions - Steel Bushings to fit Granada Spindles to Mustang Tie Rods - Visit my EBAY store MustangSteve Performance - How to Install Granada Disc Brakes MustangSteve's Disc Brake Swap Page - FYIFORD Acronyms for guide to all the acronyms used on this page - FYIFORD Important information and upcoming events

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Forum Topics Replies Last post

FYI Ford, Classic Mustang Tech Discussion

The Internet's most knowledgeable classic Mustang information. If you have a question about a classic Ford, you have come to the right place!!
11,140 102,906 Taillight Bezels
by Toploader

MustangSteve Annual Bash Info

MustangSteve hosts an annual BASH party somewhere in the USA every year. You are invited if you have an interest in old Fords. BASH info and contacts with others concerning bash plans go here
159 1,330 Official Date For 2024 MustangSteve Bash
by RPM, aka Bearing Bob
69 477 I plan on welding in some support on the inside of my 1965 Mustang cou
by Rudi

Tips and How-To's

Post pictures, videos or helpful tips here.
105 381 New take on adding 4.5” Tach to 67/68 Cluster
by caveeagle

Show Your Mustang Pictures and History

A place for everyone to show pictures of their cars and tell their history.
118 1,220 Right, wrong or indifferent the 71’ has mud flaps as of today.
by Cab4word67

Swap Meet

Post free ads for Ford stuff, especially classic Mustang related. Cars for sale or trade, Parts and related tools for sale or wanted....IF NOT FORD OR MUSTANG RELATED, PLEASE DO NOT POST IT HERE - IT WILL BE DELETED
803 1,144 1965 8 inch pumpkin 2.80.1 gears out of 69,000 mile car.

Garage Points

A place to acknowledge someone that donates a free Mustang part to you, and frees up some room in their garage.
113 40 Glens 1965 50
by Nos681

Ride Height Pictures and Descriptions

This Page Exists To Answer The Question... WHAT WILL MY RIDE HEIGHT BE? This forum helps show off pictures of Mustangs with different stances, specs, and explain what components are required to get that stance.
2 1 This Page Exists To Answer The Question... WHAT WILL MY RIDE HEIGHT BE
by lowercasesteve

MustangSteve T-Shirt Sightings

Post your pics of someone wearing a MustangSteve T-shirt, and note location where pic was taken
25 67 St. Ignace Michigan
by terry
0 0 None

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REMEMBER!!! When posting a question about your Mustang or other Ford on this forum, BE SURE to tell us what it is, what year, engine, etc so we have enough information to go on.