


Word Way: Word Family Activities





All in the Family 6 CD Set

Example: The All in the "A" Family CD is a full color reproducible teaching unit CD that has over 750 pages (which doesn't include the readers in the total count). It is meant to supplement and extend instruction for 27 word families for short a, long a and vowel digraphs for ai (ail, ain, and air). Included are original songs, poems, and chants, word cards, sorts, stationery, shape books, posters, word building mats, mini books, word slides, puzzles, readers and matching big books, and other independent games and activities to practice word family skills.

The Bonus CD contains sets of like items for easier location, suggestions for teaching word families, recommended order of instruction for first grade and more!

The 6 CD set includes more than 2400 pages of activities and materials as well as over 100 readers and big books. More than 70 word families are addressed for each of the five vowels and vowel digraphs and diphthongs.

Proceeds from the sales of these CDs are dedicated to establishing and maintaining a scholarship fund and to support the growth of literacy for children and teachers.  International shipping costs will have to be calculated at the time of purchase.

All in the Family Six CD Set: $49.95 (Save $20)

Go to: Carl's Corner Store:







All in the Family With Toons CDs

The All in the Family with Toons Practice Pages CD is a full color reproducible teaching unit CD that has over 2400 pages of activities and materials for teaching word families. It is meant to supplement and extend instruction for over 100 word families for each of the five vowels, vowel digraphs, diphthongs and R-Controlled Vowels. Included are original songs, poems, chants, word cards, sorts, stationery, shape books, posters, word building mats, mini books, word slides, and puzzles.



The Toons Word Family Big Book CD contains over 150 reproducible big books (8½ x 11)) that focus on word family patterns and words and match the text in the word family readers. Great for introducing and reviewing word families in small groups or whole class. May be used for shared reading and/or placed in a center.


The Toons Word Family Readers CD has more than 150 reproducible readers that match the big books. All individual student readers are formatted two to a page for ease of reproduction and assembly and have a minimum of 8 pages. See sample below.




Toons and Tunes: Working with Word Family Onsets and Rimes Songbook CD has 178 pages of poems and songs in print ready format with an index and teaching suggestions. Also included are 17 recorded songs from the collection, These are perfect for developing spelling and word recognition using onsets and rimes along with old familiar tunes. These songs are delightfully illustrated by Ron Leishman of Toonaday.com and Toonclipart.com.

           http://www.carlscorner.us.com/Corner482.jpg   http://www.carlscorner.us.com/Corner483.jpg    

The Toons Puzzles and Games Activity CD provides independent activities, puzzles and games for centers and small group instruction for word families.



The Word Family Tools for the Teacher CD includes suggestions for teaching word families, charts, word wall cards and more. Also included are reproducibles: 5 Color and Write Sets, 5 word search books, large Picture/Word cards for the bulletin board, 5 Rhyme and Spell word books, and Sentence Writing materials. Each word family has a keyword or anchor picture to help young readers and spellers as they learn to decode and write independently.

http://www.carlscorner.us.com/Corner485.jpg    http://www.carlscorner.us.com/Corner486.jpg  


Proceeds from the sales of these CDs are dedicated to maintaining a scholarship fund and to support the growth of literacy for children and teachers. International shipping costs will have to be calculated at the time of purchase.

        All in the Family with Toons Practice Pages CD
Price: $19.95

Toons Word Family Big Books CD

Toons Word Family Readers CD
Price: $12.95

Toons Family Songbook CD
Price: $19.95

Toons Word Family Puzzles and Games Activity CD

Toons Word Family Tools for the Teacher CD
Price: $15.95

Get all six: $59.95 Save $37.75!



Explore word family activity sets below that support the understanding of onset and rime (chunks). I have recently finished making revisions  (updating documents and clipart) and creating new sets.  There are well over 100 word family sets available on this page and on the R Controlled (Bossy R) page. If there is something you specifically need ASAP, please contact me at carl1404@msn.com


Digraph Word Families

Diphthong Word Families

Long and Short A Word Families

Long and Short E Word Families

Long and Short I Word Families

Long and Short O Word Word Families

Long and Short U Word Families


Welcome to the Neighborhood
Sorting Mats & Cards Set

coming soon


Penny Push Set

Penny Push Directions

The Penny Push is a strategy for developing and practicing one phonemic awareness task: phoneme segmentation. During the activity the children say, hear and push a penny for each sound they hear in a word. There are no symbols or letters involved. Research shows that the more senses you use to teach something, the more likely it is that the at-risk learner will grasp the concept. This document provides an in-depth look at Elkonin boxes and the Penny Push.


Word Family Charts

A chart
E chart
I chart
O chart
U chart

This colorful chart is perfect for the beginning writer to use as a reference. Duplicate, laminate and place one in each student's writing folder. The illustrations depict children who are busy and involved, an attribute that will be sure to appeal to your students.


This song details what young children experience when they begin to learn about decoding and chunking parts of words.


Wd Family Kid Cards
107 pages
Mini Books
80 pages

coming soon


Definition Derby
Set of 21
Student Dictionary

a, e, i, o, u

To make and use these little books: Duplicate a set and fold each of the word family pages in half with the blank pages on the inside. Fold the cover in half and tuck the word family pages inside with the fold on the right. (Keep in alphabetical order.) Bind or staple on the left. Students may record their own word family words inside to form a personal reading and writing dictionary.




Word Families, Onsets and Rimes, Phonograms:
They're all the same!

Literacy teachers like to say that using onsets and rimes teaches children through analogy. I like to think that the process enables children to take ownership of their reading and writing. "I can write at, so I can write cat and lots of other words." It makes believers out of young children who previously said, "I can’t!" when asked to read or write such words. I started teaching in 1967 (the dark ages) and we used what we called word families. Now we call them rimes and linguists prefer to say phonograms, but to the classroom teacher they are a tool to move their children into literacy. In 1970, Wylie and Durrell outlined 37 commonly used patterns in their book, Teaching Vowels Through Phonograms. Those words will be in a red font in the list below. Many authors have published lists for facilitating the use of rimes in their phonics, phonemic awareness and spelling programs. Fountas and Pinnell have made things easy for us. They have a complete list in Word Matters: Teaching Phonics and Spelling in the Reading/Writing Classroom (Heinemann). Their list contains single syllable words that would be appropriate for young learners. For multisyllabic words, older readers and writers may spell one syllable at a time.

The list that I have here is in alphabetical order from left to right. If some word families appear twice, it’s because they should be (i.e. -ome as in home and in some). Unfortunately, some of these rimes do not have lengthy word lists. I am only developing activities for the most common rimes and for those that are frequently requested by teachers and  parents to support spelling and decoding programs. The word family sets that are available on this website are designated with a cranberry colored font below.   

-ab -ace -ack -act -ad -ade -aff -aft
-ag -age -aid -ail -ain -aint -air -aise
-ait -ake -ale -alk -all -alt -am -ame
-amp -an -ance -anch -and -ane -ang -ank
-ant -ap -ape -ar -ard -are -arge -ark
-arm -arn -arp -art -ase -ash -ask -asm
-asp -ass -ast -aste -at -atch -at -atch
-ate -ath -aught -aunch -aunt -ave -aw -awl
-awn -ax -ay -aze -ea -each -ead -ead
-eak -eal -ealth -eam -ean -eap -ear -ear
-east -eat -eath -eave -eck -ed -edge -ee
-eech -eed -eek -eel -eem -een -eep -eer
-eet -eeze -eft -eg -eigh -eld -ell -elp
-elt -em -en -ence -ench -end -ense -ent
-ep -ept -erge -erk -erm -ern -erve -esh
-est -et -etch -ew -ex -ey -ib -ibe
-ice -ick -id -ide -ie -ied -ief -ield
-ier -ies -ife -iff -ift -ig -igh -ight
-ike -ild -ile -ilk -ill -ilt -im -ime
-imp -in -ince -inch -ind -ine -ing -inge
-ink -int -ip -ipe -ir -ird -ire -irk
-irt -irth -ise -ish -isk -isp -iss -ist
-it -itch -ite -ive -ix -o -o -oach
-oad -oak -oal -oam -oan -oar -oast -oat
-ob -obe -ock -od -ode -oe -og -ogue
-oil -oin -oint -oist -oke -old -ole -oll
-oll -olt -ome -ome -omp -on -ond -one
-ong -oo -ood -ood -oof -ook -ool -oom
-oon -oop -oor -oose -oot -ooth -op -ope
-orch -ord -ore -ork -orm -orn -ort -ose
-oss -ost -ost -ot -otch -ote -oth -ouch
-oud -ough -ought -ould -ounce -ound -oup -our
-ouse -out -outh -ove -ove -ow -ow -owl
-own -own -owse -ox -oy -ub -ube -uch
-uck -ud -ude -udge -ue -uff -ug -uke
-ule -ulk -ull -ull -um -umb -ume -ump
-un -unch -une -ung -unk -unt -up -ur
-ure -url -urn -urse -urt -us -use -ush
-uss -ust -ut -utch -ute -utt -y -ye





Word Family Resources

Cernek, Kim. 2000. Exploring Word Families: Using Word Patterns to Build Beginning Reading Skills. Creative Teaching Press.

Lakeshore Learning Materials: www.lakeshorelearning.com

Learning Resources Word Families Classroom Kit:  www.learningresources.com

Lynch, Judy. 1999. Easy Lessons for Teaching Word Families (Grades K-2).

Novelli, Joan. 2002. 30 Wonderful Word Family Games: With Pull-Out Poster Game.

Rosenberg, Mary. 2001. The Word Family Activity Book (Grades K-2).  








Digraph Drive!





Welcome to the Neighborhood
Consonant Digraph Work Mat
ch, sh, th word cards

Junior Jeopardy
Consonant Digraph
Digraphs Chart

Blends and Digraphs Songbook




ch Digraph Set
Anchor Word: Chickens

ph Digraph Set
Anchor Word: Xylophone


sh Digraph Set 
Anchor Word: Shoe


th Digraph Set
Anchor Word: Think

wh Digraph Set
Anchor Word: Whisper






ail FAMILY Set
37 pages
Anchor Word: nail

ail Chant
There was a little snail
By the name of Abigail.
She walked about a pail,
And she always left a trail!

Mother Goose Connection:
What Are Little Boys Made Of?


ain FAMILY Set
36 pages
Anchor Word: rain

ain Book Titles:
The Train
Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain
The Pain and the Great One


air FAMILY Set
36 pages
Anchor Word: chair

air Chant
Goldilocks of golden hair
sat upon and broke a chair,
and then she headed up the stair.
Oh, dear! That wasn’t fair!


27 pages
Anchor Word: play



eat FAMILY Set
35 pages
Anchor Word: treat


29 pages
Anchor Word: bee


eed FAMILY Set
30 pages
Anchor Word: seed



eep FAMILY Set
35 pages
Anchor Word: sleep

Mother Goose Connections:
Baa, Baa, Black Sheep
Little Bo Peep
Little Boy Blue

eep Book titles:
Sheep in a Jeep (series)
My Teacher Sleeps in School
Ira Sleeps Over


eet FAMILY Set
23 pages
Anchor Word: feet

 ie FAMILY Set
31 pages
Anchor Word: tie


oat FAMILY Set
29 pages
Anchor Word: goat




oom FAMILY Set
32 pages
Anchor Word: zoom


oon FAMILY Set
26 pages
Anchor Word: balloon


27 pages
Anchor Word: grow








Diphthong Drive!




Great site for practicing diphthongs:



(initial and medial vowel)
22 pages
Anchor Word: laundry


35 pages
Anchor Word: seesaw


33 pages
Anchor Word: chew


oi and oy FAMILY Set
36 pages
Anchor Word: joy

ook FAMILY Set
30 pages
Anchor Word: look


ound FAMILY Set
32 pages
Anchor Word: found


 out FAMILY Set
28 pages
Anchor Word: scout


23 pages
Anchor Word: wow!


own FAMILY Set
32 pages
Anchor Word: nightgown








Word Way Letter 

Other a families may be found on Digraph Drive (ail, ain)
and Diphthong Drive (au, aw).





35 pages
Anchor Word: grab

ace FAMILY Set
34 pages
Anchor Word:  face

ack FAMILY Set
39 pages
Anchor Word: snack

The Story of Jack  
(Readers Theater format)
Written and shared by Barbara Olanda
of Melbourne, Australia


36 pages
Anchor Word: dad



ade FAMILY Set
22 pages
Anchor Word: lemonade

34 pages
Anchor Word: bag


ake FAMILY Set
37 pages
Anchor Word: cake

Bear T. Crocker's Kitchen

Jake the Snake Paper Bag Puppet

"Strawbeary" Shake Recipe

Straw Holders

"Cubcakes" and Sausage Recipe


ale FAMILY Set
32 pages
Anchor Word: whale


all FAMILY Set
35 pages
Anchor Word: ball


30 pages
Anchor Word: jam


ame FAMILY Set
32 pages
Anchor Word: game


amp FAMILY Set
32 pages
Anchor Word: champ


37 pages
Anchor Word: ran


and FAMILY Set
34 pages
Anchor Word: sand


ank FAMILY Set
32 pages
Anchor Word: drank


36 pages
Anchor Word: map


ash FAMILY Set
33 pages
Anchor Word: splash


36 pages
Anchor Word: cat


ate FAMILY Set
37 pages
Anchor Word: skate










Word Way Letter E

Other e families may be found on Digraph Drive (eep, ee, eed, eep and eet)
and Diphthong Drive (ew).





36 pages
Anchor Word: bed


eg/egg FAMILY Set
25 pages
Anchor Word: beg

ell FAMILY Set
28 pages
Anchor Word: shell


15 pages
Anchor Word: Ben



end FAMILY Set
24 pages
Anchor Word: pretend


ent FAMILY Set
28 pages
Anchor Word: tent

ess FAMILY Set
27 pages
Anchor Word: mess

est FAMILY Set
28 pages
Anchor Word: nest


31 pages
Anchor Word: wet







Word Way Letter 

See Bossy R for ir family set and Digraph Drive (above) for ie family set.






ice FAMILY Set
28 pages
Anchor Word: mice

ick FAMILY Set
33 pages
Anchor Word: chick

27 pages
Anchor Word: hid

ide FAMILY Set
39 pages
Anchor Word: slide


29 pages
Anchor Word: pig

ight FAMILY Set
29 pages
Anchor Word: fight

ike FAMILY Set
28 pages
Anchor Word: trike

ill FAMILY Set
30 pages
Anchor Word: spill

ime FAMILY Set
32 pages
Anchor Word: dime

28 pages
Anchor Word: violin

ind FAMILY Set
28 pages
Anchor Word: find


ine FAMILY Set
31 pages
Anchor Word: Valentine


ing FAMILY Set
34 pages
Anchor Word: swing


ink FAMILY Set
31 pages
Anchor Word: think

32 pages
Anchor Word: sip


Anchor Word: hit



ite FAMILY Set
24 pages
Anchor Word: kite







Word Way Letter 

See Digraph Drive for oat and long ow,
and Diphthong Drive for ood, ook, oom, oon, ound, out, ow, and own.
R-Controlled or, ore, and ork sets are found on the Bossy R/R-Controlled page.





27 pages
Anchor Word: bob


ock FAMILY Set
33 pages
Anchor Word: sock


29 pages
Anchor Word: jog

 oke FAMILY Set
28 pages
Anchor Word: broke


old FAMILY Set
28 pages
Anchor Word: hold


ole FAMILY Set
39 pages
Anchor Word: pole


33 pages
Anchor Word: phone


ong FAMILY Set
22 pages
Anchor Word: strong

31 pages
Anchor Word: hop


ope FAMILY Set
28 pages
Anchor Word: scope

ose FAMILY Set
31 pages
Anchor Word: ro


28 pages
Anchor Word: robot


ote FAMILY Set
17 pages
Anchor Word: note

21 pages
Anchor Word: pox






Word Way Letter 

See R-Controlled page for -ur set





35 pages
Anchor Word: scrub

uck FAMILY Set
32 pages
Anchor Word: yuck


ude FAMILY Set
20 pages
Anchor Word: dude

30 pages
Anchor Word: tug

27 pages
Anchor Word: gum

ump FAMILY Set
28 pages
Anchor Word: jump


27 pages
Anchor Word: run


unk FAMILY Set
27 pages
Anchor Word: junk


22 pages
Anchor Word: pup

use FAMILY Set
19 pages
Anchor Word: amuse


 ut FAMILY Set
31 pages
Anchor Word: cut



ute FAMILY Set
19 pages
Anchor Word: cute





Licensed by www.graphicgarden.com 
Licensed by 
Licensed by www.toonaday.com and toonclipart.com