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Chinese Zodiac Animal Signs

Chinese Zodiac Elements

Zodiac Prints

Zodiac Prints
Why not purchase a print of the year of your birth, or as a gift for a friend or relative. They are an ideal gift containing a high-quality print of the animal and displaying a small extract of the background behind your Animal Sign.
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The Tiger
Years of the Tiger
1902 08 Feb 1902 - 28 Jan 1903 (Water)
1914 08 Feb 1902 - 28 Jan 1903 (Wood)
1926 13 Feb 1926 - 01 Feb 1927 (Fire)
1938 31 Jan 1938 - 18 Feb 1939 (Earth)
1950 17 Feb 1950 - 05 Feb 1951 (Metal)
1962 05 Feb 1962 - 24 Jan 1963 (Water)
1974 23 Jan 1974 - 10 Feb 1975 (Wood)
1986 09 Feb 1986 - 28 Jan 1987 (Fire)
1998 28 Jan 1998 - 15 Feb 1999 (Earth)
2010 14 Feb 2010 - 02 Feb 2011 (Metal)

The Tiger

"Born leader" is the key word for the Tigers. They are always in the lead and are most likely the ones to cry out "Let's Go"! Noble and Fearless, Tigers are respected for their courage, even from those working against them.

Tiger people are daring fighters, they are capable of standing up to the better end for what they think is right. Although they could be selfish from time to time in the little things, they are capable of great generosity.

Tigers are unpredictable, always tense. and like to be in a hurry. Tiger people are difficult to resist, for they are magnetic characters and their natural air of authority confers a certain prestige on them.

They are tempestuous yet calm, warm-hearted yet fearsome, courageous in the face of danger yet yielding and soft in mysterious, unexpected places. Tigers are very confident, perhaps too confident sometimes.

Although they love adventures, and are addicted to excitement it is better not to challenge a Tiger's confidence. They likes being obeyed and not the other way around. Because Tigers are urgent people and always in a hurry to get things done right, they usually choose to operate alone. Tigers like to work, they are hard-working and dynamic. If you assign a task to a Tiger, the job will be undertaken and accomplished with enthusiasm and efficiency.

Tigers make money, but they are not directly interested in money. Still, the Tiger needs not worry about money: just when they fear the money is gone, more seems to show up. Tigers are sensitive, emotional. They are capable of great love, but they become too intense about it. They are also territorial and possessive, if you are a friend of a Tiger, they want you to take their side against the bad guys and because the Tiger is so adorable, you often do.

As lovers, Tigers are passionate and romantic, but the real challenge for the Tiger is to grasp the true meaning of moderation.

Compatibility with the Tiger

(1 - least compatible, 100 - most compatible)
Rat 65 - In order for success, both must endure.
Ox 33 - Almost impossible to make it work.
Tiger 52 - Two tigers? Not recommended.
Rabbit 46 - Difficult. Possible convenience marriage.
Dragon 76 - Despite minor difficulties, it's good for marriage.
Snake 69 - Difficult to see what they could see in each other.
Horse 86 - Why not, they have lots in commons.
Goat 24 - One of the worst combinations.
Monkey 81 - These two make eager lovers.
Rooster 55 - Not a balanced relationship.
Dog 89 - Good! A balanced and harmonic relationship.
Pig 79 - They are very different, but this will work.

The Tiger

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