(Texto intencionalmente sin acentos)

Este correo electronico puede contener informacion confidencial y privilegiada, por lo que se prohibe el uso, reproduccion, retransmision o divulgacion no autorizada, parcial o total, de su contenido. Si usted no es el destinatario del presente correo, por favor notifiquelo al remitente y borrelo de inmediato.


Los correos electronicos no son necesariamente seguros, por lo que nuestra firma no sera responsable en ningun momento por los cambios que el mismo sufra en su transferencia. Asimismo, los archivos adjuntos a este correo electronico pueden contener virus que pueden danar los sistemas del destinatario; aun cuando la firma ha revisado los archivos adjuntos respecto a virus, tampoco sera responsable en caso de mutaciones en su transferencia, por lo cual sera necesario revisarlos antes de abrirlos.


La informacion contenida en este correo electronico puede llegar a incluir comentarios de caracter general sobre la aplicacion de normas y en algunos casos diferir de las interpretaciones de otras personas o entidades. Estos se basan unicamente en la informacion que nos ha sido proporcionada, la cual puede ser incompleta, por lo que en ningun momento, deben considerarse como asesoria profesional sobre el caso concreto. Por lo anterior, el contenido y/o la informacion de esta comunicacion no debe ser usada como base o fundamento para determinar ninguna de sus actuaciones, decisiones o medidas, sin haber obtenido previamente la asesoria personal de caracter legal, fiscal, contable y/o financiera, por parte del profesional acreditado en la jurisdiccion que a usted o al caso concreto les resulte aplicable. Asimismo, la firma no garantiza que la informacion aqui contenida, sea vigente y correcta al momento en que se reciba o que continuara siendo valida en el futuro; por lo que la firma no se responsabiliza de eventuales errores o inexactitudes que este documento pudiera contener.


La firma no emite opiniones formales a traves de medios electronicos, por lo que las opiniones expresadas en este correo electronico deberan ser confirmadas por escrito, en papel membreteado de nuestra firma y ser firmadas por un socio de nuestras areas de servicio, para tener validez. La firma no asume responsabilidad civil por las opiniones o recomendaciones emitidas a traves de correo electronico.


Deloitte se refiere a Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, sociedad privada de responsabilidad limitada en el Reino Unido, y a su red de firmas miembro, cada una de ellas como una entidad legal unica e independiente. Cada firma miembro brinda servicios en un area geografica especifica y esta sujeta a las leyes y regulaciones profesionales del pais o paises en los que opere. DTTL no brinda servicios a clientes por si misma. DTTL y cada firma miembro de DTTL, son entidades legales unicas e independientes, sin intervencion alguna sobre las demas. DTTL y cada una de sus firmas miembro son las unicas responsables de sus propios actos u omisiones, y no por los de las demas. Cada firma miembro de DTTL esta estructurada de forma diferente, de acuerdo con las leyes y regulaciones nacionales, y pueden prestar servicios profesionales en sus territorios a traves de subsidiarias y/o entidades afiliadas.



This electronic mail may contain confidential and privileged information; therefore, its use, reproduction, retransmission, or unauthorized disclosure of part or all of its content is forbidden. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, please notify the sender and delete it immediately.


E-mail as are not necessarily secure, for which reason our firm will not be responsible at any time for any changes suffered during its transfer. Also, the files attached to this e-mail may contain viruses that could harm the systems of the recipient, even though the firm has reviewed the accompanying files for viruses; also, it will not be responsible for any distortions that occur during its transfer, for which reason they must be reviewed before they are opened.


The information contained in this e-mail may include comments of a general nature on the application of regulations, and in certain cases may differ from the interpretations of other persons or entities. These are based only on the information provided to us, which may be incomplete, for which reason at no time should they be considered as professional advice on the case in question.


Therefore, the content and/ information in this communication should not be used as the basis or foundation to determine any of your acts, decisions or measures, without first having obtained the appropriate legal, tax, accounting and/or financial advice from the certified person in the area of competence applicable to you or the case in question. Also, the firm does not guarantee that the information contained herein is valid and correct at the time it is received or will continue to be valid in the future, for which reason the firm does not accept any responsibility for errors or inaccuracies that this document might contain. The firm does not issue formal opinions by means of electronic media, for which reason the opinions expressed in this e-mail must be confirmed in writing on this firm's letterhead, and signed by a partner from one of our service areas in order to be valid. The firm does not assume any civil liability for the opinions or recommendations issued by e-mail.


Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee, and its network of member firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity. Each member firm provides services in a particular geographic area and is subject to the laws and professional regulations of the particular country or countries in which it operates. DTTL does not itself provide services to clients. DTTL and each DTTL member firm are separate and distinct legal entities, which cannot obligate each other. DTTL and each DTTL member firm are liable only for their own acts or omissions and not those of each other. Each DTTL member firm is structured differently in accordance with national laws, regulations, customary practice and other factors, and may secure the provision of professional services in their territories through subsidiaries, affiliates and/or other entities.