
They say that the best blogs are focused, niche-y sorts of things.  Well, have I got a niche-y sort of thing for you!  I am a professor at a small Canadian university, taking a leave of absence and seriously contemplating a change of career – I have won the golden ticket with this job (tenure), and wonder if I am crazy to even consider giving it up.  On the side,  I teach yoga, and am always interested in learning more about my practice.  I am also increasingly obsessed with grass-fed meats, organic dairy and produce, and a generally grain-free diet.  I am mother to an amazing and strange teenaged daughter G, head-over-heals in love with my wonderful guy L, and potty-training a Chihuahua.

Nuestros perro, getting ready to leave the sweater behind...

Nuestro perro, getting ready to leave the sweater behind…

Oh, yeah – and the three of us are selling everything we own and moving to Mexico City in a matter of months.

So, if you were looking for a a blog to fill the “mid-life career-change contemplating, Paleo-eating, teen-mothering, happily-partnered, dog-loving, yoga-doing, soon to be barely-Spanish speaking expat in Mexico,” niche, you have come to the right place.  Maybe the only place.

3 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi.
    I came by accident to your blog and it is very interesting, my husband and I will be moving to Mexico. We have lived in the Uk for almost 10 yrs so very used now to many things at short hand. I have many questions about living in the DF. I will be very grateful if you can drop me a line to my email.

  2. I crash here because Ikea furniture, so funny to read your story, sad but true… I mean, here….
    I lived with my hubby O for a year in Vancouver, we had so many doubts too when we got there… If one day you are brave enough to get to mayor fish market, let me know…. 😉

  3. Hello, I just discovered your blog! Once in a while I google “ikea mexico” to check if they finally gonna open a store around here! So I read your “idea” expedition and the “flying” sofa bed! So funny! I’m Belgian and live in mexico since 7 year! I will be back soon to read more post!

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