Opening an ACSM File

The ACSM file type is primarily associated with Digital Editions.

ACSMFile Extension ACSM
File extension: ACSM
File type:  content server message

What is an ACSM file?

ACSM files mostly belong to Digital Editions by Adobe. An ACSM file is a license file that Digital Editions e-book manager uses to download and activate e-books and audiobooks. This file is commonly called an Adobe Content Server Message. It contains text data written in XML and used to verify whether a user is legally allowed to download and read a DRM-protected e-book (EPUB or PDF) they have previously purchased or borrowed. Adobe Digital Editions usually handles ACSM files behind the scenes. If you have encountered this file, it's likely the download was interrupted or Digital Editions may not be correctly installed/authorized to automatically open such files.

How can I open an ACSM file?

You need a suitable software like Digital Editions from Adobe to open an ACSM file. Without proper software you will receive a Windows message "How do you want to open this file?" or "Windows cannot open this file" or a similar Mac/iPhone/Android alert. If you cannot open your ACSM file correctly, try to right-click or long-press the file. Then click "Open with" and choose an application. You can also display a ACSM file directly in the browser:. Just drag the file onto this browser window and drop it.

Online ACSM Text Viewer

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How to convert an ACSM file to PDF, JPG, DOCX, TXT, ...

If you want to convert or edit a ACSM file, please scroll down to see which software programs you can use to convert a ACSM file to another file format (e.g. JPG, PDF, DOCX, TXT, ...).

ACSM file format:

If you know the file format, you can also find out how to open or edit the file. The file format can be deduced from the file extension and the signature. Frequently, however, one file extension is used by different programs for different file formats, and one file format for different file extensions. So you need a detailed analysis of a file to find out the format and the associated program. Our analysis of the ACSM files produces the following result:

The ACSM file ending is mainly used by one program with a specific format. The two most popular formats are as follows:

The remaining 2% of all ACSM files are files with no common format. Files like these are sometimes linked to guide. You can get all the details of your ACSM file by dragging it onto this page or by clicking the button "Choose your .acsm file to view" above.

Technical Data for ACSM File Extension

File classification:
Related files:

The following listing is compiled from the database produced by the 'Associate This!' program, selected data from the main FILExt database and file extension information submitted by users.

ProgramID: Adobe.ACSMessage
EXEFile: %ProgramFiles%\Adobe\Adobe Digital Editions\digitaleditions.exe

an acsm content server message is a special file format by Adobe and should only be edited and saved with the appropriate software.

How to solve problems with ACSM files

  • Associate the ACSM file extension with the correct application.
  • Update your software that should actually open content server messages. Because only the current version supports the latest ACSM file format. Search, therefore, e.g. on the Adobe manufacturer website after an available Digital Editions update.
  • To make sure that your ACSM file is not corrupted or virus-infected, get the file again and scan it with Google's
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ACSM file viewer ACSM file description