Different Call Types

Maximizing Your MobileVOIP Experience

MobileVOIP offers three call options. Here's how you can get the most out of your MobileVOIP app. Of course, you can send Text messages using our mobileVOIP application as well!

Voip Call

This is the standard calling option; your call gets connected right away. You'll need a working Mobile data/WiFi connection to use this call option. You will be charged the regular rates of your VoIP brands; no extra costs or hidden charges.

Call Back

The Call Back option is a nice way to stay in touch with friends and family, even if the internet connection you're using isn't particularly strong. With a weaker Mobile data/WiFi connection, or if you would like to use as little data as possible, you can set up a Call Back call through the MobileVOIP app. We'll set up a call to your phone first, and then connect you with your contact. You will be charged for both the A-side and B-side call, as well as a set up fee.

Local Access

For a selection of countries we have Local Access numbers available. If you're in one of these countries, you can use MobileVOIP to set up a Local Access call in case of a weak internet connection. You will be charged for a local call, plus the tariff for the destination you're calling.