How to Master Questetra

Developers Blog


Task Form Decoration


qString: Type with Voice
Accepts voice input. Currently, it works only with Chrome and some other browsers. Press the Speech Recognition button…
qNumber: Speech
qNumber: Speech
Reads out numerical values in numeric type fields (Text-to-Speech), using the Web Speech API (Speech Synthesis). For example,…
qString: Generate Password
qString: Generate Password
Generates a 12-character password. Randomly extracts 2 characters from “23456789”, 4 characters from “ACFGHJKNRSUXYZ”, 4 characters from “acfghjknrsuxyz”,…

Automated Tasks (Auto-Steps)

Builtin Auto-Steps, Addon Auto-Steps

OpenAI #Chat: Answer Text Prompt
OpenAI #Chat: Answer Text Prompt
Generates a response to the Text Prompt. By default, it is generated by accessing “gpt-4-1106-preview MODEL” (can be…
OpenAI #Images: Generate
OpenAI #Images: Generate
Creates an image given a PROMPT text by the “DALL-E 3 MODEL” via OpenAI API. By default a… #Posts: Get #Posts: Get
Gets an article on service. Specify the article (fixed page/post) by ID or Slug, and store HTML…

Workflow App Examples


The system automatically starts at 7:00 a.m. on weekdays and sends a reminder email if…
At 7 o’clock every day, the request for arrival and departure times will be automatically…
This is the process of reporting daily work schedules and results. Employees will be asked…
This is an expense reimbursement process that allows you to apply for 10 items at…
Retrieves data from the Quotation Process and sends an email with a list of the…
This workflow accepts subscription applications online. The customer makes a provisional application online using the…

Release Notes

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