one of the Most Viral Tumblr’s of 2013!

Viral Tumblr’s of 2013

drunk snoopy on Make A Gif

All images adapted from Charles Schulz’s Peanuts comic series. All words adapted from Smiths lyrics written by Morrissey, Johnny Marr and The Smiths. 

This Charming Charlie is a tumblr by Lauren LoPrete, a graphic designer living and working in the Bay Area. When she’s not pushing pixels, Lauren co-runs a record label, called Loglady with her boyfriend Jason. You can email her or follow her on twitter.

Interview with Esquire online | Rolling Stone “misery loves company” | Time Magazine’s Tumblr of the week | Huffington Post: “best Tumblr ever” | “Morrissey and Peanuts, together at last” | Pitchfork’s Nothing Major: Tumblr of the week | Interview with KQED pop | Vice Magazine “This Charming Charlie Defeats Universal” | LA Times “Copyright law and This Charming Charlie”

lauren lucy peanuts costume