
Trippy New Stream Frog Named After J.R.R. Tolkien

Scientists who discovered the frog in Ecuador say it looks like it 'lives in a universe of fantasies, like those created by Tolkien.'

Hyloscirtus tolkieni .

Juan Carlos Sanchez-Nivicela / Archive Museo de Zoologia, Universidad San Francisco de Quito


Golden Gate Bridge

To Keith O'Donnell

Jay with ropes

Keith with vodka

and I,

we have a friend

who invites us

who makes pavilions

of gold with fish and seaweed

who helps the family fly.

Like dreams fly

to wake you up from

the depths

on the back of the shadow

under the naked trill

of the birds,

that immensity of the


and relief arises.

Go, he will teach you everything

without useless words.

Do you want to? From top to bottom

in a suit

while sipping a gin and tonic.

Jay with pills, Keith

in AA and I,

we have a friend who

has thousands of friends

who have come to

flutter their arms

in an effort to fly. Because wings will sprout,

festive garlands watered

with oceanic agony.

Go, lean against the railing

granting desire

its whims,

with firm hands,

bending your knees

while you contemplate the

sailing of a sailboat.

Jay, Keith, you, and I

we have a friend who


who dictates the path

where the vanishing points converge

the speed of the wind without

diverting the fall,

4 seconds, 121


per hour.

© Juan Carlos Vásquez
Image by Brigitte Werner from Pixabay

Real Monasterio del Escorial: Fachada Principal

Ya hemos visto la fachada Sur-Oeste, así que vamos a tratar ahora la fachada principal del edificio. Dicha fachada es la que mira al Monte Abantos, del que ya hemos hablado con anterioridad. Ahora bien, hace bastante que no he hablado ni he posteado fotos (algunas como estas, bastante antiguas) del Monasterio, por lo que no descarto acercarme un día a hacer nuevas fotos en las que se vean mejor…

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