Walk Like A Zombie, Rank Like A Pro

By Jeff Stevens

SEO is a war. The promised land? Front page SERPs. The enemy? Pandas and Penguins.  You can’t just run into battle with your axe anymore like you could in 2012, if you tried that nowadays you’d get beaten back to the slums of page fifteen.

So you gotta get into guerilla warfare nowadays if you want to survive. Dont look like you’re doing SEO.  Be all innocent and stuff. If Google catches you doing SEO, its page ten for you, buddy.

Anyone seen Warm Bodies? Remember that scene where the chick has to walk like a zombie to avoid getting caught?


“No, stupid! You’re doing it wrong!” The most important thing about SEO is to make it look natural, as if you’re totally innocent and there’s “nothing dodgy happening here, officer”. In just the same way that this chick is alive and needs to fake her zombie status, YOU are an SEO, and you have to fake being a retarded webmaster who doesn’t do SEO and relies on ‘quality content’ to rank their site.

So here’s how it works. What do natural (like actually natural) anchor text profiles look like? Well, people don’t usually make links to other websites by using that person’s primary keyword. First they wouldn’t know what their primary keyword was, and if they did, they wouldn’t care, because they’re not getting paid for SEO, they’re just making a link. So what anchor text would they use? Stuff like ‘click here’, “click this link”, “click this URL” is stuff I’d normally do.

On top of that you also gotta write the URL as is, i.e. www . some random blog . com (spaces added to avoid a real link). But even then, it’s unlikely that the url would look exactly like that every time, its still suspicious and looks like you’re trying to fake it, like zombie chick back there. “NO! TOO MUCH!” Too much zombie-walk = blatantly fake zombie. So do variations of the URL – with and without the http ://, with and without the ‘www’, with and without the backslash at the end. For some you can do all lower caps, for some you can capitalise the first letter i.e. www . Some random blog . com, and for some you can capitalise the first letter of every word i.e. http:// Some Random Blog . com/ . But for heavens sake, don’t shout all in caps. No one does that, not even zombie webmasters.

Jeff Stevens is from Friendly Web. Check out our FB page!

The Effectiveness Of SEO

Written by Sue Best

_0004_Ninja_Zip_6SEO is an online marketing strategy that is aimed at improving boosting the visibility of a website on online searches conducted by some of the popular search engines. SEO NZ is based on the use of the right combination of keywords popular with search engine users within the prose found on a web page. In order to determine exactly which keywords to use SEO marketers have to consider a number of factors. This includes the following:-

• The search algorithms that the most preferred search engines use

• The most common keyword phrases that search engine users use when carrying out a particular search.

Implementing an SEO campaign in New Zealand usually involves editing the content on a webpage, editing the HTML code, on which a web page is built in order to give greater indication of the pages content. The second activity is referred as the modification of ‘meta tags’, which are what a search engine uses when carrying when indexing pages containing particular content. The importance of achieving a high page ranking on a search engine lies in the fact this almost automatically translates to the page appearing within the first page of search result. It is common knowledge that hardly anyone pays attention to the second or third pages of search results. This is why appearing on the first page is so important because it translates to an increase in the visitor traffic to a web page and therefore a site.

What criteria is SEO based on?

_0013_Ninja_Zip_17SEO marketers in New Zealand apply a series of techniques in their attempt to influence page ranking on search engines. These methods are targeted the criteria used by search engines to rank pages. These techniques include:-

• Increasing the number of external backlinks leading to a site

• Increasing the number of internal backlinks emerging from one page to another page within the same website which is also known as cross-linking

• Posting web content that has a desired set of keywords and phrases using a number of combinations

• URL normalization which makes it possible to access the same web page using the multiple other URLs.

There are both accepted and unaccepted approaches to utilizing the techniques mentioned above. The accepted approaches are referred to as White hat SEO. These tend to follow the guidelines set by Google webmaster rules which ban the use of money to secure any form of page rank boost. The unaccepted approaches are known as Black hat SEO which is characterized by the purchase of backlinks, use of link networks to boost internet traffic and other similar underhand approaches. White SEO takes longer to implement but has more consistent results.

Sue Best is from Big Think Agency. Check out Big Think’s FB and Twitter pages and our YouTube Channel!