Administra tu colección de fotos con Piwigo

Piwigo es un software de código libre para crear tu galería de fotos en la web. Diseñado para organizaciones, equipos y particulares.

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versión 14.4.0 hace 2 semanas

Piwigo 14.4.0 hace 2 semanas

Actividad más reciente hace 5 días 20 horas

Miles de organizaciones y millones de particulares aman Piwigo.

¿Por qué elegir Piwigo?

Alto Volumen

Piwigo brilla cuando se trata de clasificar miles o cientos de miles de fotos.


Nacido en 2002, Piwigo ha estado ayudando a sus usuarios desde hace más de 22 años. ¡Siempre creciendo!

Código Abierto

El código de la aplicación está disponible, es editable, auditable y extensible gracias a plugins y temas.

Características potentes para su galería fotográfica

Hermosas galerías fotográficas creadas con Piwigo

Océanopolis Brest
Ville d’Arles
Photothèque Touristique du Lot
Parc naturel régional des Landes de Gascogne

Les encanta Piwigo


Piwigo has allowed us to be able build a strong photo library, which I can share with my key partners. Support is always so helpful and the creativity and freedom you get is amazing!

Callum White, Winchester City Council

Sector público United Kingdom

Piwigo gives me the ability to customize the look of my gallery so that it doesn't look like any other, while providing outstanding performance and practical features for both the user and the site administrator. Over the last 20 years, development has never ceased to offer improvements, and the ability to develop plugins is a remarkable asset, as the developer community is active and you'll always find something that works for you, and if you wish you can also ""get your hands dirty"" to customize to the extreme. The database is robust and will handle hundreds of thousands of photos with ease. Well done to the Piwigo team for 20 years of tireless work!

Robin Moret

Fotógrafos profesionales y particulares France

I use Piwigo since Jan. 2022 to present the beautiful paintings of a good friend of mine. Before that I compared many platforms or software to realize this task and found out that Piwigo had he best and the biggest variety of technical and optical settings of all software. And it seemed to be very easy to install and to handle. After the installation and the first use at the same day I was sure to have made the right descision. My friend was and still is very proud of the way of presenting her paintings!

Dirk Dreyer

Fotógrafos profesionales y particulares Germany

Great. Fast, clear, huge range of functions and yet easy to use. And the incredible thing: it's free!

Jo Mueller

Fotógrafos profesionales y particulares Germany

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