
FakeChat is a simple bukkit plugin that allows you to use commands to show a fake message that you left or joined the server! You can also fake speak as another player who is online.

- Can show a fake message you left or joined the server.
- Can fake chat as another player.
- You can customize the leave message. The message is set to default should work with Most servers.

/fc - Shows the fakechat menu.
/fakejoin - Shows a chat message you joined the server.
/fakeleave - Shows a chat message you left the server.
/fcreload - reloads the plugin config, use if you change it.

fc.help - Allows the use of the /fc command.
fc.fakejoin - Allows the use of the /fakejoin command.
fc.fakeleave - Allows the use of the /fakeleave command.
fc.reload - Allows the use of the /fcreload command.

This stuff is located in the config.
Colors - For colors use the § instead of &.

fakejoin - This is the text before the players name on the fakejoin command. Do not leave it empty, if you want nothing just leave it as the color code it is set to. The color code is set to before the name so then that will set name color on join.

fakeleave - This is the text before the players name on the fakeleave command. Do not leave it empty, if you want nothing just leave it as the color code it is set to. The color code is set to before the name so then that will set name color on leave.

fakejoin1 - The text after the name when the user uses the command. The color code may be next to the text like §eJoined the game would be fine.

fakeleave1 - The text after the name when the user uses the command. The color code may be next to the text like §eLeft the game would be fine.

Comming Soon:
- Tells Op on join if update is released.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 8, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Mar 8, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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