the artist SABINE

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Sabine Poppe | New Zealand Artist

Sabine Poppe combines her love for the human face and her fascination with colour to produce vibrant portraits. The images are abstract and yet realistic, the eyes and lips seem to captivate the viewer.

Sabine sells her works locally and overseas, has been in numerous national and international exhibitions and is a member of the New Zealand team World Art Games.

Colours and Eyes are what drive my art.

I love the visual impact of bright colours, they make my live exciting. To have a big blob of magenta on a palette knife and place it right next to bright oranges delivers instant sunshine.

The amazing variety in human faces fascinates me, how only minimal proportional changes are recognisable and provide a person’s likeness or not. The eyes in particular give so much information, they really are the window of one’s soul. Closely followed the mouth; is it smiling, wanting to kiss or tight and angry? We are all judging.