The I Ching Readings Journal (Software)

Welcome to the I Ching Reading's Journal website. As well as the means through which I distribute my software, this site is intended to provide help and support so you can get the most from your Journal. There is a full online instruction manual in the section on Using the I Ching Readings Journal, in addition to a Guided Tour of the software. If you decide you would like to try the I Ching Readings Journal, you can download the Free Trial 30 Day Trial. After 30 days you may continue using your software free on Level 1, or Upgrade to Level 3 for £15.00 GBP (reduced from £30 due to the release of the new journal software in early 2014 - read more).

I sincerely hope this software will help enhance and deepen your relationship with the I Ching.

Justin Farrell

Software Overview

The I Ching Readings Journal is software to record your I Ching readings electronically It stores the consultation question and the reading's hexagram results; in addition to your background notes, thoughts, and follow-up comments. The journal software also offers a range of search options designed to help you retrieve past readings by various means. You can, for example, search by reference, keyword, question, hexagram/line, and trigram. Search results are presented in report format with links to the full reading.

The I Ching Readings Journal does NOT cast the hexagram - this is left for you to choose your preferred method. It will, however, calculate the Relating Hexagram, the Hexagrams of Context, the Patterns of Change, and the Steps of Change, once you have entered the Primary Hexagram with any changing lines.

This software comes with an electronic version of James Legge's translation of the main sections of the I Ching - that is, the Hexagram Text, the Line Text, and the Great Image. There is also a basic word by word translation key for each of the original Zhouyi Characters. All this is accessible from each of your journal entries - just click a button and a pop up window opens with the I Ching text's relevant to your reading. In addition to this, you can also type in an unlimited number of alternative translations for each individual hexagram and line as and when required.

Above - The Main Reading's Screen of the I Ching Reading's Journal

Take the Guided Tour | Using the I Ching Readings Journal | Free Trial | Upgrade

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