John Koenig

Creative Writing | Go ahead. Send me an email.
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The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows is now available for pre-order at Simon & Schuster: (click any of the links on the right side of the page)

300 pages, 70% new definitions, including longer video-like essays, otherworldly illustrations, and some thoughts on language and the meaning of life.

Moment of Tangency: A Glimpse of What Might Have Been

“If two lines are truly parallel, 
 it means they’ll never actually meet.”

Coming soon from Simon & Schuster: 
The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows [THE BOOK!!!!] 

Graphic Design Portfolio 

This is how I pay the bills, but there’s other stuff like my U.S. Dollar Redesign project, featuring Mark Twain, Walt Whitman, Carl Sagan and others:



If you like my work, and think there should be more of it out there, just drop me a line.

–John Koenig

The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows 

The Upper Midwest’s third-largest compendium of the outer spatters of the emotional palette. Our mission is to harpoon, bag and tag wild sorrows then release them back into the subconscious. 


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