Hi, I'm Max,
a Full Stack Web Engineer
based in Vancouver*

photo of Max Harris

Here's what I do

Full Stack Development

Throughout my career, I have worked as a full stack engineer on several web development projects. I have experience with a wide range of technologies, including JavaScript, React, Node.js, PHP, and Python.

CMS Integration

I have deep experience with WordPress theme and plugin development, as well as managing large-scale corporate websites. I also build modern headless CMS solutions with Next.js and Strapi.

Instruction & Mentorship

Are you interested in learning the fundamentals of web development, or digging deeper? I love sharing my knowledge of the web with people of all skill levels. Contact me to learn about my workshops and mentorship programs.

Here's more about me

I have over a decade of web development experience, with a focus on functional programming, JavaScript, React, and WordPress theme and plugin development. Most of my work has been with marketing teams in the startup space. Lately, I have been working on the PERN stack and using Strapi and Next.js for headless CMS solutions.

The most fulfilling aspect of my work has been sharing knowledge with others through workshops and mentorship programs. I am passionate about helping others learn the fundamentals of web development and dig deeper into the technologies that power the web.

photo of Max Harris, a really handsom web developer