Administra tu colección de fotos con Piwigo

Piwigo es un software de código libre para crear tu galería de fotos en la web. Diseñado para organizaciones, equipos y particulares.

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versión 14.4.0 hace 2 semanas

Piwigo 14.4.0 hace 2 semanas

Actividad más reciente hace 3 días 21 horas

Miles de organizaciones y millones de particulares aman Piwigo.

¿Por qué elegir Piwigo?

Alto Volumen

Piwigo brilla cuando se trata de clasificar miles o cientos de miles de fotos.


Nacido en 2002, Piwigo ha estado ayudando a sus usuarios desde hace más de 22 años. ¡Siempre creciendo!

Código Abierto

El código de la aplicación está disponible, es editable, auditable y extensible gracias a plugins y temas.

Características potentes para su galería fotográfica

Hermosas galerías fotográficas creadas con Piwigo

Musée Virtuel de la Méditerranée
Photothèque Touristique du Lot
Office du Tourisme du Bassin d'Arcachon
NOWinBRAIN - Nowinski Brain Image Gallery

Les encanta Piwigo


As a member of basketball club in Rennes, I set up Piwigo to manage our team's many photos. Today, there are some 19,000 photos in public mode, and even more in private mode! and there's more to come. Managing albums and, above all, tags is a real pleasure, especially when it comes to easily finding the right photo to illustrate our website or create a specific poster or flyer. Private access also gives privileged access to our graphic designer, who can retrieve the original photos and work on them. Many thanks to the Piwigo team, and to all the authors of the plugins from which we can pick and choose according to our needs!

Benoît Rozec, Union Rennes Basket 35

Organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro France

I have been using Piwigo for my wife's website for many years. It's been quite reliable for me, easy to use for her, and receives regular updates which are easy to apply. I love that it supports multiple languages, mass uploads via command line and uploads via web.

Rob Nugen

Fotógrafos profesionales y particulares Japan

I have used Piwigo for many years and am very pleased with it. I run numerous websites with various gallery solutions, however Piwigo is by far the best and I use Piwigo on all my important websites. Using Piwigo I can create a web gallery exactly how I want it. In my own case, I want the my photographs to look as good as possible so I have a very simple gallery with large images. I also want the images to be found and that is made easy by the gallery structure and search function.

Jonathan Webb

Fotógrafos profesionales y particulares Germany

We opted for Piwigo because it seemed to be a flexible solution that met our needs without being very expensive. We're delighted and have been able to measure the difference: before, for the production of our brochure in 2020, we had to exchange HD files by transfer... a real pain. Now, as soon as I buy photos, I enter them into Piwigo with all the information relating to the project, and we share the photo library with the graphic designers. This time we didn't waste any time and we managed the iconographic part of our new brochure really well.

Georgia Desvarennes, Texaa

Empresas France

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