Anonymous asked:

hi! i apologize if this is a bit complicated, but im kin with an arch demon who really just wanted to be a human witch, is there any free games that center around soft witchery (preferably no death magick or blood magick :C)? sorry if this is too specific!

gamesforkin Answer:

you’re perfectly fine, specifying helps me find stuff for you!! (i love games like this too)


tiny worlds in flasks is a relaxing game about building little terrariums. reminds me of making spell bottles! it’s free on browser and windows!


florus is a procedurally generated game about a musical garden and the tunes you can make with it. it’s downloadable for windows!


morphe is another musical game that allows you to walk around a mountaintop, relaxing and making little tunes as you go. it’s free to download on mac, windows and linux!

i’d also like to recommend botany? which i covered a bit back!

hope these help!! 

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