
Shimmer Forest: After Rain, 2022-3 (detail)

My paintings are of urban nature alongside roads as seen through bus or car windows as well as walks through public parks and local reserves. I’m inspired by the pattern of light and shadow created by the sun hitting the structures of trees, roads and paths along with the passage of movement through a landscape. Some scenes are captured as dynamic gestures and some are more contemplative.

Landscape for me is recording my response to the action of moving through a space, either on foot or on transport. Transiting through landscapes creates contradictory moments of blur and stillness, as in the abstractions caused by reflections through a bus window, the movement of a scene at speed or the mystery of a line created by a path to a vanishing point. They are close (captivated) landscapes rather than those of wide open spaces, and mostly ‘safe’ places, seen from interiors, through windows or from paved, manicured paths.

All images and text on this site ©️Michele Burder