Her Vampire Husband – .99 cents!

I’ve permanently marked Her Vampire Husband at .99 cents for Kindle. This is a great first read to enter my world of Beautiful Creatures if you’ve not done so before.

She may resist his bite, but she can’t resist his charms.

Werewolf princess Blu Masterson won’t allow her seductive vampire husband to consummate their marriage with his bite, marking her forever. Alone in a secluded estate with her sworn enemy, Blu curses the marriage arranged to bring their rival nations together, especially since Creed Saint-Pierre calls out to her most feral desires.

When Blu uncovers her pack’s secret plot to destroy the vampire nation–and Creed–she is forced to confront her growing feelings for her sexy fanged husband. Will she choose the only life she’s ever known or accept his vampire bite?

Includes the bonus novella, Moonspun, which revisits Blu and Creed years later! Also includes the Saint-Pierre family tree and a complete World of Beautiful Creatures Terms List.

For more images that inspired this story, check Creed & Blu’s Pinterest page!

Michele Renae on FB

Years ago I ditched my Michele Hauf FB page. I just don’t do FB at all anymore. It doesn’t interest me. But I did keep my Michele Renae author page. And I do post there when I have a new release or something important to announce. So follow me here if you’d like to!

The Vampire Hunter — FREE

The Vampire Hunter has been getting some love lately from readers. It’s a free download at Amazon. I do love Kaz and Zoe, vampire hunter and witch, falling in love. It was love at first sight. But the nasty business of tracking vampires for The Order of the Stake, who may be involved in a dangerous dust operation (faery dust) does challenge their relationship. A lot. There are some nasty faeries in this one. Oh, how I love Never. Would love to write his story one day! Below are a few of the photos that inspired this story.

Now, if you’ve read the story and are curious about other characters mentioned in it, here are some of the other stories you’ll find them in. Usually a cameo appearance!

Tor: Moonlight and Diamonds, Taming the Hunter, and his full story is This Strange Witchery.

Never: The Witch’s Quest, The Billionaire Werewolf’s Princess

Riske: The Billionaire Werewolf’s Princess

Thomas: Beyond the Moon, Bewitched, An American Witch in Paris

Rook: his story is Beyond the Moon, and he appears in Beautiful Danger, This Strange Witchery

King: Beautiful Danger, Beyond the Moon, The Eternity Quest

Vail: his story is Forever Vampire (soon to be republished), he’s also in Forever Werewolf, Beyond the Moon.

Now Available!

I have a new Harlequin Romance available now in the UK and US in both paperback and digital formats.

Jumping into the wrong car lands Cinderella in the arms of an irresistible businessman…and changes her life forever!


Azalea’s day is not going to plan. Her dream photoshoot in Paris was supposed to be an extraordinary moment in her ordinary life. Instead, she’s forced to flee the photographer in her designer gown…and jumps into the wrong car. Businessman Sebastian should not be her getaway driver, but as he whisks her away to safety, sparks immediately fly… Spending one night together is inevitable. And the consequence will entwine them forever!

Find it at Amazon!

Seducing The Vampire now available

images that inspired Seducing the Vampire

For the first time in over a decade, I’ve finally republished Seducing the Vampire, and it is available at Amazon in digital format. Learn how Rhys Hawkes met and fell in love with the dazzling vampiress Viviane LaMourette as the story goes back and forth between 18th century Paris and the modern day city. All the good stuff, including damask-clad fops, big dresses and even bigger egos, a glass coffin, a wooden hummingbird, racing the sunrise, caged from the moonlight, and the vampire who struggles to force his werewolf to dark, unnatural cravings.

The Geek Gets the Girl

I finally got around to making a new cover for this sexy contemporary novella! The cartoony covers are everywhere lately so I wanted to go with the same. Maybe it doesn’t allude to as sexy the story is (steamy!) but it does represent the fun. Also, I switched it from Michele Hauf to Michele Renae because it goes more with my Renae stories, as in fun, sexy and contemporary. Hauf is mostly paranormal (save some sexy contemps with action/adventure/heists). Like it says above: New cover, different author name but SAME story.

You can find it for only .99 cents at Amazon!

Celebrating 100 books!

January 4th marks the publication date of my 100th book! I’ve published with a variety of publishers, and even self-published a few. Some are novellas, many are novels, and there’s one ‘audio only’ title in there as well. I’ve published under my name, Michele Hauf, and also Michele Renae and Alex Archer. I’ve written contemporary romance, historical romance, action/adventure, paranormal romance, erotica, and fantasy. Whew! I’ve been busy!

Stay tuned for many, many more!

New series rebrand!

Hey! So I finally got around to rebranding the covers for all my Beautiful Creatures books. Sure, I love some of the ones I’ve created recently, but I’ve always wanted to make readers aware that these books are connected. They are not a series that must be read in a specific order, but rather, they are all set in the same world. You can read them in any order! (But honest fact: there are a couple instances where a novella will follow a novel; I detail them below). Also, in the picture below, I’ve arranged them in the order they were published. So while you can read them in any order, if you want to read them as they were published, go by that order. I guess the one advantage to that is you see secondary characters appear and then later get their own stories, so you might have a little background on them. As well, I own 47 of my titles, but the publisher still owns at least a dozen more, so this is not all of them!

I know these covers are basically just a big freakin’ title. The picture doesn’t allude to what kind of creature is inside. I’ve gone with a lush background that appeals to me, and a change of color from cover to cover to differentiate. I wanted to keep it simple!

So if you’re wondering which books should be read in order, here they are: read Dark Rapture then Wicked Angels. Read Moon Kissed then After the Kiss. Read Her Vampire Husband then Moonspun. (Those are the only ones that have ‘what happened next’ stories.)

So uploading all these new covers will take me a while, probably weeks, maybe months. Just know that the text is the same; I’m just changing the covers. And for digital books, usually they update the covers even after you’ve purchased it (I think?). I’m not sure if I’m going to put these out as paperbacks. We’ll see. That’s a lot of work, and for very few sales, so I’ll read the room and see if readers are interested. For now, enjoy my world of Beautiful Creatures!

Now Available!

Hey there, all you weirdos! I’ve finally gotten the rights back to one of my favorite paranormal couples’ story, Her Vampire Husband. I did a very light edit on it (I took out those flip phones and gave them some updated technology) but otherwise it’s the same as the original story. You can find it in digital, paperback, or hardcover. I’m particularly fond of the hardcover edition. I love the artwork. I found it on a stock sight. It’s actually AI-created, but it fits the characters well. I made some changes to the coloring and a few small bits here and there, and voila—Blu and Creed!

I also added some bonus content in all editions. The novella, Moonspun, follows Blu and Creed a few years after Her Vampire Husband. There’s a Saint-Pierre family tree. And I included my terms list for the entire world of Beautiful Creatures. So if you haven’t read it in a while, or you’re looking for a new-to-you paranormal world to read in, this is a great story to start with.

Find them here: Digital, Paperback, Hardcover

She may resist his bite, but she can’t resist his charms.

Werewolf princess Blu Masterson won’t allow her seductive vampire husband to consummate their marriage with his bite, marking her forever. Alone in a secluded estate with her sworn enemy, Blu curses the marriage arranged to bring their rival nations together, especially since Creed Saint-Pierre calls out to her most feral desires.

When Blu uncovers her pack’s secret plot to destroy the vampire nation–and Creed–she is forced to confront her growing feelings for her sexy fanged husband. Will she choose the only life she’s ever known or accept his vampire bite?