
With this song, Saxon addresses and explores the theme of near-death experiences and the uncertainty and introspection that come with facing mortality. The song describes a person having an out-of-body experience, watching themselves from above as they confront the possibility of leaving their current life and transitioning to an unknown realm. A guardian awaits to guide them towards the astral plane as they stand on the precipice at the liminal space between life and death, where critical decisions must be made. Here they see the circle of light, signaling a pivotal moment that could mark the end of the current...

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This song is all about the thrill and adrenaline rush of skydiving, describing the excitement of jumping from high altitudes, feeling the rush of freefall, and experiencing the intense speed of terminal velocity before safely landing on the ground. It captures the sense of adventure and liberation that comes with taking risks and living life to the fullest, emphasizing the exhilarating feeling of pushing oneself to the limit.

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This track delves into the idea of confronting one's inner demons or fears, represented metaphorically as a beast, and encourages listeners to embrace their primal instincts and unleash their true potential, overcoming any and all obstacles that hinder personal growth and fulfillment. It's a rallying cry for self-empowerment and resilience in the face of adversity. The song paints a vivid picture of a journey toward self-realization and breaking free from the chains of the past, where when one acknowledges the presence of their inner "beast" and embraces it, individuals can find the courage to confront their fears and embrace their...

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"He took a small apartment Above a shoe department"

First time listening to this song, and I can't stop laughing at this.

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Obviously, the song is about a person who suffers from severe obsessive-compulsive disorder or something like that. The person couldn't take it anymore and attempted suicide, which wasn't fatal. It seems that this person managed to cure his disease but I don't think he'll be able to live a normal life due to his wounds.

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Let them bitches know that this what I call lit nigga

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This song transcends Old Testament and New Testament. This is a direct message from God to Humankind. Regardless of religion. God is reminding everyone that He has always been with us. And there is no possibility that we can “ Hold Him here “ in our lives separate from Him. Hus will will be done. Even on the Last Day. That’s this song.

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This is a song / message to mankind from God. Possibly maybe probably from Jesus but most distinctly to all mankind on Earth regardless of religion. It is a universal message that God wants humanity to return to Him ( Her ? ) And He will have it no other way in the end. No matter what, His will be done.

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left my island - went out of my normal space met a phantom - met an idea of something I thought I wanted outside of my normal space memorized a song - said the things I needed to say to keep this thing going sometimes i think i'm stranded in hotels hanging from the highest tree in town - something about being away from you on the road? I'm the monster standing by your heart (love's a demon...) - i'm being a fake to stay with you a lifesize figure ashamed to be alive (love's a demon...) - I'm acting like the person I thought I...

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So both according to Chris Issac and the lyrics this song isn't about unrequited love. It's about hooking up with someone knowing it's not ever going to end well and probably a really really bad idea.. But not being able to help yourselves. As you are both deep in lust and know it's going to be crazy amour fou and the hottest sex ever. That if things were different you might be in it for a long-term romantic love based relationship - but that's a non starter and you both know that, as you rip the other's clothes off.......

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