Headi     "The  
  Rocky Point

              Automobile (and motorized toy) Mexican Insurance Information! 


        " The
   RV Specialists"
    Since 1991

for Tourists driving to Mexico






Things To Do

Places to Layback

Chow Down Fvorites

You can edit text on your website by double clicking on aOh those yummy schimp at Rocky Point, cooked in every way possible!  There are so many excellent places to eat from stands to luxury resorts.  Click on the button above to find a few, and just driving around will cause you to make a list for future visits.  So many tourists go as a family, or in groups, and have big cookouts on the beach, or near the beach using RV park or resort facilities. These are the most memorable moments.  Those hours of eating the burgers and things you cook and eat together, along with a favorite drink, or two, and no worry about anyone driving DUI.  text box on your website. Alternatively, when you select a text box a settings menu will appear. Selecting 'Edit Text' from this menu will also allow you to edit the text within this text box. Remember to keep your wording friendly, approachable and easy to understand as if you were talking to your customer
You can edit text on your website by double clicking onPlaying seems to be the main reason why people go to Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco), except for maybe just to see the ocean and breath the ocean air.  Many people take their pickups, trailers, motorhmes and other RV's  along with motorcycles , quads, boats and bicycles.  Then, everything can be rented for those who didn't bring toys.  There is everythig from a Bananna Boat ride to a Margarita Cruise on the water, and everything from Rental Quads to Horseback Rides on land to Lightweight Airplane rides in the air.  Fun and play wil be all around you, as you play, too.on your website. Alternatively, when you select a text box a settings menu will appear. Selecting 'Edit Text' from this menu will also allow you to edit the text within this text box. Remember to keep your wording friendly, approachable and easy to understand as if you were talking to your customer
You can edit text on your website by double clicking on a AhAh, those hours on the beach dozing as the kids play around you, or just by yourself snoozing on and off watching people, boats, dogs and the birds.  For you readers, a chair on the beach or at your resort making a big Margarita last a chapter or two.  There's nothing like that fresh ocean air to relax and revive us when we have breathed nothing but dust, dry air and inside air for long periods.  Advice for all is to get some sunshine, but not sunburn, so take it easy, and if you are going to be on the beach be sure to take a folding shade or cabana.  The sun and air feels so good, it's eash to burn if you don't.  Buy a silver ring or piece of jewelry from s ome poor kid on the beach, but relax in style.  oAx on your website. Alternatively, when you select a text box a settings menu will appear. Selecting 'Edit Text' from this menu will also allow you to edit the text within this text box. Remember to keep your wording friendly, approachable and easy to understand as if you were talking to your customer
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HeaCAC                                                                CAUTION: 
Never take a "motorized vehicle" into MEXICO without a liability policy issued by a Mexican Insurance Company.  It's the law!  Very few American companies cover for fire, theft and collision outside the USA and Canada, so be sure to insure your vehcle for it's estimated value, and NOT just for liability.  Be sure to purchase a separate policy for each motorized cycle, quad, etc. 

You can edit text on your website by double clicking on a text box on your website. Alternatively, when you select a text box a settings menu will appear. Selecting 'Edit Text' from this menu will also allow you to edit the text within this text box. Re  Another word of caution!  Be sure to start your policy before entering Mexico, and ending it well    after you plan to cross back into the United States.  The policy ENDS at the time you choose when you purchace it.  Flats, and vehicle problems do happen.  If you find yourself in such a situation, and you know you will not cross back before the policy ends, you can't change the ending date or time on a policy, but you can go to www.mexins.com and buy a new policy for the day(s) you will need to make it back.  You can also call the telephone number on the policy,  001-520-387-6060 durng normal business hours AZ time. to keep your wording friendly, approachable and easy to understand as if you were talking to your customer